This past weekend some friends and I headed out to ride 100 miles in one weekend. Our starting point was the Loveland Bike Trail and are destination was Yellow Springs, Ohio, which is near Springfield, Ohio. It was a great trip and aside from some sore muscles and a minor flat tire on the way back there was no serious complications.
Getting ready to depart from Loveland, Ohio.
J to the Bizzle cracking a smile before the trip.
This is early on in the bike trip… we stopped here for about 5 minutes and I decided it would be a good time to grab some pics.
I had the privilege of going to Honduras with Krista.
I think Josh realized how long we were riding and decided to thumb for a ride…
Eric, Josh and Krista resting a bit before we continue on.
I love bridges. I lost my camera battery and I had to order a new one. I got it the Friday before we left. I missed taking pictures and was glad to be able to get back into it.
Another shot of the bridge.
Another rest point under a really tall bridge.
There was a cool section along the trail with these flowers and butterfly’s were all over the place. I was able to snap some good pics.
We finally reached our destination. But you will have to wait to hear the rest of the story for tomorrows post. Nothing like a cliff hanger to keep you coming back. Have a great day!
Read 100 Mile Bike Trip Part Two

You can do that Century Ride to Yellow Springs. Next Google up and check out “The Most Beautiful Ride in American” (Lake Tahoe). It is just gorges and breath taking!
Keep expanding that bucket list brother.By the grace of God I just scratched off studying and hiking around Israel with Jerusalem University College.
It was an awesome experience 30 students from all around the world. Dream big scratch that VERY BIG and keep your sights high.
You can do all things through Christ who strengthen you………..
I’m proud of you Andy good job on the blog.
Biker up and let’s ride
Thanks Clay for the encouragement, I really needed it!
Glad to hear your accomplishing some items on your bucket list.
I would love to go riding… lets set it up! Hope all is well with you and your family…take care brother…
ride strong!