Here is part 2 of our journey:
Our original plan was to stay at a hotel in Xenia, Ohio. When we arrived at the hotel it was already booked up. I would have never thought a hotel in Xenia would have booked up. Oh well, it turned out for the better. I turned to my iphone for some guidance and it pointed us into the direction of a bed and breakfast. So we saddled up again and headed out to Yellow Springs.
The quaint bed and breakfast we found. I am glad we did, it felt like we are at home and the breakfast was amazing. If you are ever out this way and need a place to stay I highly recommend this place. There is some history behind this house too. To read more about it head on over to their website–>Yellow Springs Country Bed and Breakfast.
A double dutch door. I think they said it was the oldest double dutch door in Ohio.
Josh reading the local paper. Another cool tidbit to mention is that Dave Chappelle has a farm not far from where we were at. He also frequents a coffee shop about 5 minutes from the bed and breakfast. The lady that works there said that she is friends with Dave and she used to torment him when they were young.
The outhouse that they used back in the day.
After we got cleaned up we headed up to Young’s Dairy Farm to eat.
Hey goat.
There at not many places where you can see a goat giving birth while you wait to be seated for dinner. We just missed the actual birth but this baby goat is freshly born.
The group. I am glad I have friends that I can experience life with. Life is about adventure and I hope to be doing more adventures with this great group of friends.
The final mileage for the trip…109.2. The whole trip took about 8 hours of ride time to complete. So with the end of this trip I can cross off #55 from my bucket list: Bike 100 miles in one weekend!

Looks like a great time. You can also cross #42 off your list – have a romantic weekend at a bed and breakfast with Josh Williams. (It’s on my list too).