Around Father’s Day I always do some reminiscing about my childhood and my Dad.
This is how it all began… My Mom was 13 when she met my Dad. Sure enough they fell in love and soon this happened….
My Dad loved baseball… this is him when he played for Colerain High School. He was drafted to the farm team for the Reds but did not go cause he would be traveling and would have been away from his family.
My Dad was in the Coast Guard. I believe his job was a fire fighter. He would tell me stories when I was a kid. One story I remember is when they got in trouble, as a punishment they would have to do push ups while holding their rifles and on gravel.
After they were married for awhile this happened…
My sister was born.
Chrissie in her senior year at high school.
Then sometime later…
My brother was born.
Rob in his senior of high school.
And I guess they saved the best for last…
I was born… actually I was an “oops” baby, so I was not planned like my brother and sister were.
My Dad holding me shortly after I was born.
My senior year.
My Dad loved his family, but he also loved his Corvette… I am not sure what year it was but it was a sting ray with a split window.
He also loved to play golf… I miss playing golf with him and his coaching out on the course.
At Montgomery Inn Boathouse and we met Boomer Esiason. I am not sure why I wore pants like that… I guess they were popular in the 80’s.
One of my favorite pics of my Dad and I carving pumpkins.

this is the best blog post i have read in a long time. i loved it.
did your dad pass away?
yes he did back in 2003 of a aortic aneurysm.
This was Amazing Andy! What a great man your dad was! He is truly missed!
This is a great tribute, Andy.