I went to my sister’s house tonight for dinner and I am staying the night. It was nice to be here spending time with family. Dinner was awesome and I helped with the Santa Clause duties.
I am sitting in a most wonderfully comfortable theater chair writing this blog post. Enjoy the pics!
This was my job as Santa… I was happy to help!
My sister’s tree… it is huge… 12 feet to be exact.
The 2nd Christmas tree…
Used my fisheye lens on this picture.
I went a little crazy taking pictures tonight!
I wish there could have been fire going but it isn’t working right.
I love the way my sister decorates her Christmas trees.
but wait there is one more… this is basically the same as one of the pics above but this was after Santa visited.
Sarah got a Wii… I am jealous… I should sneak up there and hide it somewhere… just kidding Sarah I would never do that….??? 🙂

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