On a whole, I am tired of the focus that is put on consumerism as it relates to our happiness.
But alas, there are some things I do want/need for Christmas.
1. The Kindle. This probably falls into the category of a need and a want. It will save me money in the long run since I won’t have to print out 1,000 plus pages of computer books. It will also save my eyes… I hate reading long books/documents on a computer screen.
2. Pearl Izumi. They make a wide variety of bike/athletic clothing especially for winter riding. I want to continue training during the winter so adding some base layers is essential so I don’t freeze my you know whats off!
I need these for when I ride.
I need a good winter glove for everyday use.
Baselayer for riding in cold temps.
This list could go on but I will stop there!
3. Gerber Bear Grylls Edition Knife. Included with the knife is a emergency whistle, fire starter, sharpening stone, and sheath. I want this!
4. Blackburn Flea Front/Rear Usb Combo Headlight
5. Video Games! I haven’t bought video games in a long time, so there are plenty of games I want.
In the spirit of the season I thought I would post some pictures of me playing Santa a couple years ago for the daycare… 🙂

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