The word going around town is that you have a holiday movie ritual… is this true?
Yes this is true! I am not sure what day I will be able to do it this year but it begins with Home Alone, National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, a revisit to some of the classics, and The Polar Express.
Are you going to be baking/cooking this Christmas season?
Yes! I plan on making 3 or 4 different types of cookies starting this weekend. I have been studying up at Americas Test Kitchen and Cooks Illustrated. There are some free recipes on Americas Test Kitchen but Cooks Illustrated requires a membership.
Here is what I plan on baking this weekend:
- Thick and chewy chocolate chip cookies
- Big, super-nutty peanut butter cookies
- Chewy chocolate cookies
- Brown sugar cookies
I also plan on making this beer cheese/pretzel recipe.
Are you planning on going back to school?
Yes! I start school on January 20 at Cincinnati Christian University. I went there right out of high school and I have 3 years under my belt. I am going back to finish that out. I wasn’t planning on going back there but they part of the consortium with different colleges around the area. They just started offering their Information Technologies program. I only have 8 classes left at CCU and the rest will be at Cincinnati State. I am excited and nervous at the same time!
Are you a Mac or PC guy?
Its funny you ask that…I just bought a Macbook Pro <— click here to read the blog post about the day it arrived! I love my Mac. I will never be without a PC because of the field I am in but I am not forced to boot up my PC everyday and wait 10 minutes for it to be ready… and that is on a quad-core. Crazy I know!
Well that is all for now… go eat some cookies, drink some awesome tea, and watch a Christmas movie. Have fun!

Thanks for checking out my blog. To answer your questions I shoot with the Nikon D80. Hope to hear more from you enjoy your holidays.
Oh and I must tell you that watching National Lampoons Christmas Vacation has been a tradition in our home as well for about seven years now…hahaha it’s great to know others enjoy it as much as we do.