The trek to Agua Caliente was hard mentally and physically. We ran into many obstacles along the way, which included a hornets nest. The hornets numbered in the thousands and we were unable to cross. Three people were stung and we doubled back to the road to proceed on a 5 to 6 hour hike. The hardest part for me was not knowing mentally what I was in for. People can tell you how hard this hike or trip is going to be but there is no way of preparing mentally for that until I experienced it for myself.
I was thankful for being able to go on this trip with one of my best friends. Josh fell victim to the angry hornets and was stung above his left eye.
Despite being stung by the hornet it did not stop him from pumping some iron Honduran style!!
We built these steps along one of the main paths to make it easier for them to walk when the rainy season hits. We pulled two 400 pound rocks out of the jungle for the steps.
The beginning of the bathrooms and shower.
Hanging with the kids and building relationships was a big part of getting the most from this trip.
The kids made toys made from pens that would shoot these pellets. He is making ammo from the plant reed in his hand.
One of Ryan’s passions is cooking. Even in the jungle we ate like kings (and queens).
The kids loved to have their picture taken.
Having impromptu worship was great and it is one of the things that I miss the most. Being surrounded by 20 people all week was awesome. Coming back and not having those people around is hard to get used too.

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