In the first post about Honduras I wrote briefly how I was a changed man, but I did not explain why. It is hard to put into words what I experienced, which is the reason for so many posts with pictures and no writing. So, I am going to attempt to put into words how God changed me on this trip.
I wrote in my journal a few times while I was in Honduras, these are those entries.
April 21, 2010-Wednesday
Today we drove 2 hours to Monte Verde. This was some of the bumpiest travel I have ever experienced. While we were here we began to mix concrete for the church floor and the Texans would finish this project, as were to hike to a remote village called Agua Caliente. I enjoyed playing soccer with the kids and began to build relationships with the kids there. The first kid I met was Phillipie and I will never forget him. I have never let myself experience God in this way. My heart is broken for these kids. I have all the luxuries at home and there are people here that do not have running water all hours of the day because the city turns the water off.
April 23, 2010-Friday
Today I learned so much about myself learning from the Hondurans. We built a small staircase and we carried 400 pound rocks from the woods. We went to the soccer field to play soccer and socialize.
I am learning to slow down and enjoy what is happening around me and not to be selfish with my time. If an opportunity comes about to talk to someone or help someone despite how busy I am, I will do so.
I am adding this story here cause it is relevant to this topic. On the hike back from Agua Caliente, I decided I was going to slow down and take in everything around me instead of focusing just on the hike. Jeremy and I came across some kids playing in a field. He gave me some play money and Jeremy said, “Now you have something to remind you to pray for this kid.” I thought this would be a perfect time to stop what we were doing and pray for this kid and his family. So we did just that, it was amazing.
This is the play money that the kid gave me.
Youth Service Journal Entry
I was broken today by the Holy Spirit. At the youth service I felt the Holy Spirit in my heart. My initial reaction is to suppress that feeling because I know that I will be vulnerable in front of people. Amazing things happen when you just let go. Alejandro and Patrick had asked if anyone wanted to share anything and they both looked at me and I just knew I had to go up. As soon as I got up there to talk… I was emotional. I cried and cried some more. I was speechless. I was wrecked and broken by God. But God does not leave us that way. He began to put my heart back together and took out what I have been struggling with: lustful thoughts was a major one, playing too much video games, and not being happy with the way I am. I now have freedom from these things. They do not have control over me anymore.
I was reading an article in Relevant Magazine and it spoke to me. It is about getting your hands dirty, sacrifice and getting back to a simple life.
“Many are even moving away from lifestyle comforts and are instead embracing intentional simplicity-not because minimalism is cool, but because it’s coming from a faith compulsion.”
“Comfort is about us. If little by little we intentionally embrace sacrifice, it makes us think less about ourselves in every area. And if we’re thinking less about ourselves, we’re more tuned in to God’s voice in our lives.”
Here is a link to the article –> The End of Easy, Breezy Faith.
In the van, on the way to the mission house, I listened to the song Broken, by Lifehouse. The song described exactly what I felt during this trip. Here is a slideshow I made with that song.
Honduras 2010 Slideshow from Andrew Hughes on Vimeo.
I hope I can carry the Honduran mindset with me wherever I go and continue to learn more about living a simple life.

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