This trip is all about building relationships with other people. I have met some truly wonderful people while I have been here. Even though it may only have lasted a short time I am thankful for all the people who I have crossed paths with.
Meet Angela, she was another student at the school. A week earlier she spent the week in La Ceiba building a house with Habitat for Humanity. We were able to find a driver and he drove us out to the site to see the progress on the house. Since I never leave home without my camera I snapped some pics of the progress so far.
This is the septic tank
The kitchen where the family cooks meals for the workers
Close up of the oven… I am pretty sure that a pizza cooked on this oven would be amazing!!
Angela and Aldo. Aldo was our driver for the night!
After leaving the work site, Aldo took us on a tour of the city
These are possibly the coolest trees I have ever seen
Then he drove us to this cool souvenir shop where I got these…
These are some amazing cigars… Note to my mens group back home… be ready to smoke some of these Honduran hand rolled cigars!
Brandon and Mallory. This was Brandon’s last night in La Ceiba so we went out to eat at Guapos to send him off…
Guapos. This is one of my favorite places to eat… they have the best nachos I have ever consumed…
Thanks to Maria for sporting a Reds shirt cause the owner (who happens to have family in Ohio) bought us a round of drinks!

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