Our next location was a place called Monte Verde. The Cincinnati team stayed here for a day to work and then the next morning we headed out to Agua Caliente. While we were here in Monte Verde we began to mix concrete for the church floor and the Texas team would stay behind to finish the church.
The toilet. The plumbing here is very sensitive. No flushing of toilet paper is allowed.
Biker Bob
This was the first kid I met. I love this kid. We played soccer… or should I say he played soccer and I just tried to keep up. At one point he and his little friends ganged up on me and attacked me with the soccer ball. They do not have soccer balls like we do. They were hard plastic and they hurt bad when they kicked them at your face… but it was still tons of fun.
I can not wait to go back and see this little guy.
Darrell and his wife Charity recently got married and this trip to Honduras was their honeymoon.
They loved the soccer balls we brought them.
Your a good man Charlie Brown!
The church
The first concrete slab. We buried Bible verses under the floor. Later that week a good number of people were saved!
The way concrete is mixed in Honduras.

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