I am revisiting Honduras but I am not there in person. I am sitting in front of my computer reminiscing about my previous trips. My first trip to Honduras was in 2010 with Vineyard Westside. People who experience a trip like this will always say “My life is changed and will never be the same.” In my case that is an under statement. I was broken on this trip. God sometimes needs to break us to a point so that He can begin the rebuilding process. I have traveled to Honduras every year since 2010. This is the first year I have not gone to Honduras. I miss Honduras. I miss the people. I miss the culture. I miss the love. I miss the mountains and the beach. I want to be there now. I would get on a plane right now. But alas, here I sit in front of my laptop reminiscing. Enjoy the journey through words and photographs.
Honduras 2010
As I mentioned above this is where it all began. I had doubts of course as anyone does who is about to leave the country and do something so far out of their comfort zone. But with some coercing from a good friend I jumped on board and never looked back. Enjoy some of my favorite photos from this trip.
I can feel the emotion on his face to this day. I will never forget the kids that I have met in Honduras.
I cannot for the life of me remember his name but I will never forget that he kicked my butt in soccer. Kids in Honduras are amazing at soccer.
The scenery in Honduras is amazing. There are mountains and the beach. If your in the right spot you can see the ocean from the mountains!
Honduras 2011
This trip was different than last years trip. I spent six weeks in La Ceiba along with two friends/nurses. We enrolled ourselves in language school. Learning a new language is difficult… really difficult. At the end of the six weeks my mind was exhausted. Laura and Maria spent time volunteering in the local hospital. I had a difficult time finding a place to volunteer. We did have an opportunity to visit a school and donate money to add on to a classroom. The kids were amazing. We felt like celebrities while we were around them.
If there is one thing I could take away from this trip it would be the people and the relationships that were made while I was there. I captured some genuine photos of people with my photo taking device. I like the raw emotion that was captured in these photos.
Dad & Son relaxing on the beach.
This photo still takes my breath away. Not sure why either. But the raw emotion captured in this photo is what draws me to it.
Our first snorkeling spot. Paradise!
Private Tour of Cayos Cochinos is a post that is about our private tour of a small island in between La Ceiba and Roatan.
Honduras 2012
This year the VWS team hiked farther then we ever have before. It took a long time… a really stinking long time. It was roughly around an 7 to 8 hour hike. For some of the men it meant we were arriving after dark. It is mostly mental though. Never ask the question, “How much longer?” The answer is always, “Its just another hour.” We really had no idea where the destination was (the group usually splits up throughout the hike) and all of sudden, we were there. It was chaos. Unfamiliar people were telling us we had arrived. I saw no one familiar and was wondering if this was really it. Despite those feelings, I felt a sense of relief. Then I saw Ryan and I knew we were good. But there was still chaos. It was dark at this point and logistics at this point were a nightmare. Enough chit chat… enjoy some of my favorite photos!
The hike on the way in.
The foundation of the church.
The group from VWS.

Thank you for “reminiscing”. You should write more. Your photos are quite nice too. You would have loved the trip this year too even though it was very different from last year’s in many ways. It’s true what they say – each trip is different.
Thank you Greg for the encouragement. I am planning to write more on my blog so stay tuned! I would have loved to have been there! I regret not going and not sure if I will be able to go this year at all. Glad you had another good experience aside from the delays at the end.