These are the 10 things I would like to accomplish in 2010. I put some thought into this list on goals that are actually attainable so hopefully I will make good on my promise to myself.
1. Reach my target weight of 180 and switch to an all organic eating lifestyle. I wasn’t sold on this until I watched this documentary –> Food Inc.
This is a short excerpt from the movie. I recommend renting this it might change the way you eat forever.
2. Go Green!
Living a better life is not just what we eat but how we live and treat the environment we live in. Here are some of the projects taken from this article that I would like to pursue this year.
- Build a clothes line. The dryer is one of the most energy guzzling appliances we use, so I plan to air out my laundry staring in the spring/summer.
- Insulate hot-water pipes/hot-water heater.
- Install a programmable thermostat – I can check this one off the list!
- Build a small garden
- Build a compost pile/worm bin- Worms eat your garbage… and leave you with rich healthy soil.
- Make a rain barrel collection system like the one below.
If your not into diy projects check out the many rain barrels collection systems at That should keep me busy for awhile… and even if I complete one of these it is still a step in the right direction.
3. Spend more time with God. I fail miserably at this. Its amazing when I devote time to God how everything else falls into place, yet I don’t seem to devote time to God knowing that it will make my life easier (sometimes).
4. Complete at least 3 computer certifications. I want to start with my CompTIA A+, CompTIA Networking, and finish with CompTIA Security.
What is A+ Certification?
The A+ certification is vendor-neutral and consists of two exams. To pass, you must demonstrate knowledge of installing, configuring, upgrading, troubleshooting and repairing desktop systems. Updated in 2006 is the ability to choose the second exam from a list of three specialist exams that highlight one of the following roles: IT Technician, Depot Technician, or Help Desk Technician.
5. Take steps to become debt free. It is not possible for me to become debt free in 2010 but I want to take steps in doing so.
- refrain from using credit cards. I can’t tell you how many times I have fallen into this bad habit. I am ashamed actually of how debt I have accrued because of the ease of obtaining a credit card.
- give money to the church. I have always struggled in this area. I want to give but to be honest I am selfish, which leads to number six.
6. Be less selfish and become more involved with church. One reason I have a difficult time giving money (besides the selfish thing) to church is I don’t attend enough. If I become involved it would be easier for me to give.
7. Be more open-minded about making new friends, life, love, women, God and church.
8. Read more books.
9. Buy a kegerator and drink lots of beer from it. 10. Spend less time wasting time. Facebook your a big time waster and I hate you but I find myself spending countless hours reading other people’s status updates that I don’t care about.

I can help you with some of these!