Welcome to Friday’s weekly post titled Among the Blogosphere. What is a blogosphere you ask? It is a collection of blogs I read throughout the week and the posts I find interesting I will post here… every friday. I will breakdown what I read into different categories. Some of these will change from week to week but some of the topics I read about are technology, lifestyle, entrepreneurship and fitness/health.
New in Gmail Labs: Smart Labels
The Always Up-to-Date Guide to Jailbreaking Your iOS Device
A Simple Guide for a Mindful Digital Life
Check out Zen Habits a great blog on how to live a better life.
Is Your Routine Empowering You?
How to Save Money on Gas with Apps
8 Stupid Mistakes Smart People Make
One of my goals in life is to be an entrepreneur. I admire the people who go against the grain and end up doing something amazing.
10 Lessons from My First Million-Dollar Launch
Are You Ready For The Million Dollar Challenge? Join Now!
Health and Fitness
Getting in shape has been a goal of mine and this past year I have made some big strides in my overall health. Read this blog post titled How I lost 30 Pounds and get started on your weight loss goal.
Swimming for Fitness, Combat and Lifesaving Applications

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