I have intentionally chosen the name of our little homestead to reflect what I want to constantly be building into my family and my life. That name is Pathway Homestead. The idea is that we all have one major pathway, which also connects with other small pathways that branch off the main one. Throughout life our main pathway intersects with many other pathways (other people, work/life, community, spiritual) which grow as we do (I will dig deeper into that later).
Consider a trail in the woods, there is one main trail with many branching off to other areas of the woods. Some of the trails can lead to danger/risk, amazing views/experiences or both. But if we always stay on the main path we will never know what is out there for us to experience. In the photo above, there are two trails branching off a main one. Did you notice the sign? What is missing? There isn’t any direction on the sign. That choice is left up to the hiker. Similar to life, there are many pathways we can choose. Often times there is not a clear direction marked for us.
As I try to discover my pathways, listed below are some of the ideas for this blog and the new pathways I will be exploring as this journey begins for me and my family. It is a work in progress and nothing is definitive yet, but it is a start!
- Mission statement
- Pathway Homestead establishes and manages simple sustainable systems and landscapes as a pathway to restoration for individuals and intentional communities.
- Revenue Model
- Pathway Homestead profits from four primary revenue streams; food production via multiple urban farms, plant, tree and seed propagation, permaculture design consultation utilizing our unique pathway design model, and educational opportunities/events.
- Tag Lines
- Creating/connecting new pathways to connect you back to simple living.
- Learn. Engage. Impact.
- Helping you to design sustainable pathways to living a simple and happy life.
- Helping you to discover your pathway to healthy and sustainable living.
- Learning together to build a simple, yet resilient life.
- Other Ideas
- Helping you to find your path within your homestead.
- Cultivate the desire to learn.
- Build a family team around homesteading with a outward focus and living a simple life.
- Build a legacy for my kids to expand on. For example, a homestead business that supports multiple streams of income.
Occasionally, I will link to previous blog posts from my old blog titled Among the Realm. I wrote a post when I was on my travels in Honduras, about Finding my Path, which goes along nicely with this post.
Sitting at our back doorsteps, all we need to live a good life lies about us. Sun, wind, people, buildings, stones, sea, birds and plants surround us. Cooperation with all these things brings harmony, opposition to them brings disaster and chaos.
Bill Mollison, Introduction to Permaculture

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