I sat in a church pew this past Sunday and thought about one thing… What am I worth? I am not talking about how much money I have in the bank account or how much stuff I own. What value do I have to God, society, my friends, my family and strangers? Am I living a life worth telling others about? Are you?
Listen to the message that got me thinking about this question.
There are some quotes from one of my favorite movies, Fight Club that explain this idea of consumerism:
“I see an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don’t need.”
“You’re not your job. You’re not how much money you have in the bank. You’re not the car you drive. You’re not the contents of your wallet.”
So I ask you this question, what are you worth? Lets here it in the comments!

I think that this question might be way too hard for me to answer at this point in life. I think my worth is always changing, ***in the eyes of other people.**
As for what I am to God, I know that my value is never changing and will always be more than I expect it to be no matter what the actions.
Today, it’s hard for people to have a good self-concept/self-esteem. Society puts pressure on our worth and we are judged by our actions. Even in terms of law,our value can be set to our social security numbers and if we make one mistake with the legal system, we can lose all of our value. BY ONE MISTAKE!
This is why I choose to recognize myself in the way that God would think of me or in ways that my family would think of me. We all know that my actions do say something about how I am percieved, but it’s my faith and my soul and my desires and the fact that Im wanted by God and by my family that make my value so precious to me.
thanks for the honest answer… I feel the same way you do… and it is also hard for me to answer this question as well.