Last week I met my friend Dan and his youth group in Over the Rhine. They were there for the week helping serve the community. Its a great community with rich history. Here are some pictures I snapped on my iphone.
Many people will not go to Over the Rhine because of what they hear about in the news. Everyone says hello to you and are not afraid to have conservations with strangers. It is rare that people in my community will say hello let alone have a conservation. Sometimes in life you have to let go of your comfort zones and get out and impact the world you live in. Don’t hide behind your fear. Take that step and get out and make a change.
The church where they lived for the week
If you are ever in Findlay Market you should probably eat here… they have amazing flat bread pizzas that you can order how ever you want for 7.00
Another shot of the church
I love the artwork on this building
Findlay Market
On top of the Carew Tower.

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