Since today is a snow day I thought I would catch up on some blogging.
Last week was my first week back to school. Friday’s are my early day so I thought I would I get out and take some pics.
This picture was straight from the camera…you notice in the pic it has a bluish tint. My white balance was off a bit. This is not a bad thing since I think it gives the pic a cool look.
It is amazing how some editing in photoshop can make the picture look awesome.
I love black and white pics.
This is one of my professors and his bike. Once I graduate hopefully I will be able to get one of these bikes!
I am looking forward to learning from all my professors this semester. I have a different mind set going back to school this time. When you are doing something because you want to do it, it makes the biggest difference in the world.
Stay tuned for snow day part 2!

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