3 guys headed out on Sunday to scout a location for a film shoot for a wedding. This is their story! (lights dimming… please turn off all cell phones)
Those 3 guys headed downtown to a bulding which is condemned.
Those 3 guys stumbled upon this garage door…
Those 3 guys opened the garage door that was unlocked…
Those 3 guys headed up the stairs… one guy stayed back to take pictures and the other 2 trekked on to the roof… but they did not make it that far (more on that later.)
intermission from story for random condemned warehouse pics…
ok…back to the story. As the one guy headed to re-join the other two… he noticed that something was wrong, the 3 guys turned to 5 guys! There were 2 construction workers in the building, and the building is set to be obliterated… destroyed… blown to pieces… (choose your phrase) on June 1.
intermission 2… go the bathroom… refill your popcorn… and enjoy some more random pictures from the 2nd warehouse the guys were at (this building was not condemned but was reported from those 3 guys that it was still cool).
still with me… good. With some social engineering skills those 3 guys were able to get into this building easily and look around with no friction from security. Those 3 guys were looking for roof access… and they found it!
roof access via a ladder!
this is completely unrelated but I like 7up!
That is the end of the story…

’twas good, good times! oh the stories we can tell from that one sunny Sunday afternoon in Cincinnati.
Your a trip, were you seriously going to have a bride climb the ladder for roof pics? I am sure the results would of been amazing, but wow!!! A difficult task to say the least. Thanks for the giggle….