This is a random post. I have been sick since Sunday and I don’t like it. I have been downing nyquil by the gallons… well not really I am sure I would be dead if I did that.
got my class schedule today… start classes on January 20th. I never thought I would be going back to school.
playing gears of war 2… love that game!
A picture of this blog post on my dual monitors… told you this was random.
I ordered my macbook pro last week. I thought I was going to get it on Friday… I had tracked the mouse I ordered instead of the macbook. I was a bit disappointied when I saw this instead of the macbook.
So here we are on this wonderful Tuesday and I thought yet again that I was going to get my macbook…. but no it is held up in customs and should arrive on Thursday. I can only hope!
That is enough randomness for today… got to get back to playing more gears of war!

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