If there is one book you snuggle up with this winter it should be 127 Hours: Between a Rock and a Hard Place by Aron Ralston. It was just made into a movie by Danny Boyle who also has directed such films as Slumdog Millionaire, 28 Days Later, 28 Weeks Later and Trainspotting. The movie was great! Beautiful cinematography and an amazing story of the human will to live will not leave you disappointed.
Of course the book is better (the movie is not bad by any means) simply because there is more detail in the book. Aron Ralston, who is an adventurer at heart and is no stranger to danger has come close to many near death experiences. Aron would head out west to Utah to climb down slot canyons, which were crevices within the rock and would bottom out to a sandy path.
One day on a solo hike he began his descent down the slot and a chock stone came dislodged and pinned his arm between the stone and the canyon wall. After many attempts to free himself, his only option was to break both the bones in his arm and amputate his own arm with a dull multi-tool knife.
So go start a fire, wear a snuggie or find your favorite blanket and begin to read a book that will leave you astonished at the will of the human spirit.

you said snuggle up with.