First off let me give you a disclaimer about this story. I am not writing this story to say “hey look what I did.” It is about people coming together and lending someone in need of a helping hand.
Its Friday, and I was driving home from UPS at 2 am. It was snowing and the roads were getting bad in spots. I was on Ronald Reagan Highway when I noticed a car had slid off into a ditch on the right side of the road. I felt a urge that I should turn around and see if this person, this stranger was o.k. By the time it took me to slow down and turn around a middle aged woman had stopped as well. The girl was fine just a little shocked and scared. This woman and I began to push her out of the ditch and moved her about ten feet but the car was stuck again and we could not move it any farther. By this time another man and a woman stopped and we began the process all over again. That is all it took, four strangers coming together to help and we got her car out of the ditch (during this whole time I was praying but I did not even realize it, it was natural, I was asking God for help to get this car out, and He delivered).
I am amazed at human beings right now and their ability to come together and help someone in need. I am amazed at how God works in peoples lives. I laughed cause this one lady said, “this is some real good Samaritan shit.” The same lady also asked, “is she your family?” Everyone replied no. Her response was awesome, “Well we are family now!” I am not going to lie it felt good to help, but that is not why I did it. I did not do it to make myself feel good about something I did. I did it because that is what humans should do. Help each other when we are in need. It seemed like all it took was for one person to take the initiative and more people were willing to help.
This girl was crying and obviously besides herself. This girl, a stranger to us and a stranger to this city. She had just moved here three days ago and did not know anyone. Turns out two of the ladies lived where she lived! How amazing is God and how He plans stuff out. God you are cool in my book. So we escorted her back since we were going to the Colerain exit. It was a caravan and she was in the middle protected by everyone driving with her to make sure she arrived home.
Taking initiative is a huge step but can bring about some awesome results. It can be scary at times to make the first move. You will get dirty when helping people. I was covered in mud from head to toe. But I was fine with that. After all Jesus got real dirty for me and took on all my sin so I could live a life worth living. The one commandment in the Bible that Jesus was concerned with the most was, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself†(Luke 10:27).
Oh yeah I almost forgot to mention this girl’s name was Charity!
Here is some video I took on my iphone of the caravan approaching the Colerain Exit.
Caravan from Andrew Hughes on Vimeo.

Very cool Andy 🙂
that IS some good samaritan shit. hehe